Mental Depression in women

Depression is a serious and pervasive mood disorder which causes a feeling of hopelessness, sadness, helplessness, and worthlessness. Depression can be mild to moderate with symptoms of no appetite, apathy, difficulty sleeping, low self-esteem, and low-grade fatigue.


Forms of Depression

A woman has to play different roles in her life like mother, wife, friend, employee, and healer and so on. The complexity of all these roles brings ups and downs throughout life. Depression is about twice as likely to affect women as men. A factor which causes depression includes reproductive hormones, social pressure that is unfavorable to a woman's life experience.

Types and Symptoms of Depression:


Major depression: It is a severe form of depression where a woman loses her ability to find pleasure in activities. It affects a woman's ability to work, eat, and sleep properly. Symptoms of major depression are:Major depression: It is a severe form of depression where a woman loses her ability to find pleasure in activities. It affects a woman's ability to work, eat, and sleep properly.

Symptoms of major depression are:

• Feeling fatigued

• Insomnia or oversleeping

• Difficulty thinking

• Suicidal thoughts

Postpartum Depression: This is a unique type of depression occurs after the birth of a baby and referred to as baby blues. The symptoms of this type of depression begin in the months following birth some women can experience this during pregnancy. Its symptoms are:

• Mood swings, including intense irritability or anger

• Panic attacks

• The feeling of ashamed, guilty, and like a bad mother

• Disturbing thoughts of harming herself or baby

Persistent Depressive Disorder: It is a milder form of depression; this is an extended form of depression that lasts for two or more years.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). But it is more severe and can cause the same symptoms as major depression.
This depression usually brings 7 to 10 days before a woman's period and can persist for many days. Antidepressants may help relieve PMDD symptoms. This disorder can cause

• Tension

• Anxiety

• Extreme emotional sensitivity

• Irritability and anger

• Mood swings

• Physical symptoms of PMS are cramps, headaches, breast tenderness, and bloating

Some common factors how depression differs between women and men:

Women feel scared and anxious but men feel guarded.

They feel sad, apathetic and worthless men feel angry and irritate.

They blame themselves for depression while men blame others.

Women turn to friends and food to self-medicate while men turn to alcohol, sex or sports.

Women easily talk about their feelings of despair men hide feelings considering it a sign of weakness.

Causes of Depression

There can be many things which can cause depression-like hormonal change, genetic, and social factors etc.

Hormones and biology: Depression can run in families. Genetic makeups are more prone to depression. Some other biological factors are pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause, fertility, and menstrual cycle increases women's risk factors for developing depression.

Psychological causes: Women are more emotional and likely to rehash negative thoughts during bouts of depression. Women are more prone to stress than men because of the increased level of progesterone have been shown to prevent stress hormones from leveling out. Negative body image issues begin in adolescence and can be correlated with the onset of puberty in women.

Social Causes: Women are more likely to develop depression from the relationship or marital problems, financial troubles, and stressful life events. Some risk factors are:

Losing a parent before age 10

Relationship problems, job loss, divorce

Physical or sexual abuse in childhood

Use of access medications

Treatment for Depression

One of every eight women in the world will depression at some point in life but the best way to avoid it to learn that you are not alone. If you are feeling alone then ask your family and friends for help.

1. Try to feel better

• Join social clubs

• Look for people who care for you

• Make face-time a priority

• Care for a pet

• Grow flowers 

2. Support your health

• Keep stress in check

• At least eight hours sleep

• Practice relaxation techniques

• Try to pick a new hobby

3. Get up and moving

• Do exercise

• Add a mindfulness element

4. Homeopathic treatment: Homeopathic medication is also a good option for treating depression. Call Homeopathic Treatment Weehawken for best homeopathic treatment. Some homeopathic medicines are:

• Arsenicum album

• Aurum metallicum

• Cimicifuga

• Kali phosphoricum

• Natrum muriaticum

5. Eat healthy food

• Never skip meals

• Boost your B vitamins

• Eat food with Omega-3 fatty acids

6. Get professional help: If you don't benefit sufficiently for self-help treatment then try mental health professional. You can directly get in touch with Depression Treatment Jersey City for the best and professional help for depression.