Treatment for Cluster Headaches

A cluster headache is a pain that occurs along one side of the head. It is a type of headache that occurs around, behind or above the eye. The cluster headaches are very painful. Patients may describe a "drilling" type of sensation in a cluster headache. A headache lasts form 15 minutes to 3 hours. It may occur eight times a day.


Diagnosis for this disorder

A cluster headache has a different type of pain and pattern of attack. A diagnosis depends on the description of your attacks, the location, and severity of the headaches, including the pain, and associated symptoms.

Neurological examination

A neurological examination may help the doctor to detect physical causes of a cluster headache. The doctor will use a series of procedures to assess the brain function including testing the senses, reflexes, and nerves.

Imaging Tests

If you have complicated or unusual headaches or an abnormal neurological examination, doctors might recommend you for some other tests to rule out some major diseases like an aneurysm or tumor.  The common brain imaging tests are:

  • MRI: It uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves for producing a detailed image of brain and blood vessels.
  • CT scan: It uses a series of X-Rays to create a detailed cross-section of the brain.



There is no permanent cure for cluster headaches. The treatment can only decrease the severity of pain, prevent the attacks and, shorten the headache period. Because the cluster headaches come suddenly and might subside with a short time, it can be difficult to evaluate and requires fast acting medications.

Some acute medication can provide pain relief quickly. Some therapies listed below have proved to be effective for acute and preventive treatment for a cluster headache.

Acute treatments

 Some of the common acute treatments are:

  • Oxygen: By inhaling 100% oxygen through the mask at the minimum rate of 12 liters a minute provides a better relief. The effects can be observed in 15 minutes.

Using oxygen s safe without and side-effects but carrying oxygen cylinder everywhere is not possible.

  • Triptans: The injection form of Imitrex, which is used for migraine treatment, is also very effective for acute cluster headaches.
  • Octreotide: It is an injectable synthetic version of brain hormone somatostatin, it can be also an effective treatment for some people. So get immediate response from Headaches treatment Bernardsville for further more details.
  • Local Anesthetics: Some anesthetics can also be used for treating the acute cluster headache. Sandostatin is effective for some people while inhaling from the nose.
  • Dihydroergotamine: The injectable form of dihydroergotamine is used for cluster headaches. 

Some preventive treatments are:

  • Calcium channel blockers: The calcium channel blocking agent verapamil is often used for treating cluster headaches. Some side effects of calcium channel blockers are fatigue, swelling of ankles, low BP, and constipation.
  • Lithium carbonate: It is used for treating bipolar disorder but it can also be used for cluster headaches.
  • Corticosteroids: Some corticosteroid like prednisone is a good option for treating cluster headaches.


Doctors only recommend surgery for those people who don't find relief with other medications. Several studies found that occipital nerve stimulation on one or both side of may be beneficial.

Some surgical procedure for a cluster headache may damage the nerve pathways. Because of some complications, it is rarely recommended.

Home remedies:

  • Avoid alcohol: Alcohol consumption can quickly trigger a headache.
  • Proper sleeping schedule: Cluster may start due to irregular sleeping schedule. Follow your regular schedule to avoid cluster headaches.

So these are some common treatments and home remedies for cluster headaches. Homeopathic is also proved as a good treatment for cluster headaches. For more details about alternative treatment you can call directly to Homeopathic Doctor Morristown. Where they will guide you and help you to get cure from your disorder.