How to avoid depression

An overwhelming feeling of sadness, lack of sleep and less social interaction are said to be the leading cause of depression. There are a lot of treatments available nowadays for the curing of depression and anxiety, but as the saying goes that prevention is better than cure we can do a lot to avoid getting into depression in the first place.


A person undergoing depression can cause a lot of health or mental problems for himself and the people around him and Coping with Depression can be hard at times. However, there is no clear answer as to if depression can be prevented or not because let’s face it the chemical reactions that cause depression are not under our control most of the times. But we can do our best and make some little or bigger changes in our daily lives to avoid the feeling of depression or maybe keep ourselves busy enough to not worry or even think about that depressed feeling.

Some of the things we can do to avoid depression are mentioned below:

1. Exercising:- Making a fixed routine of daily exercising and working towards your fitness will keep you busy and keep your mind away from the feeling of depression. Go out and play with the children of your locality, indulge yourself in physical exercising and pick up a habit of cycling and all, if possible ride your bicycle to your office.

2. Develop habits:- You can pick up an old habit from where you left off, it could be playing the guitar, painting, dancing etc. or pick a new one. Doing this will keep you happy and increase your skill in that particular habit, by this you won’t feel like you aren’t good at anything and will have your self-confidence up almost all the times.

3. Stay away from negative people:- If you have a group circle of people who always let you down and always talk negative and don’t encourage you for things that you want to do. Just cut them off and try to get all that negativity out of your life, get in touch with those who appreciate your efforts and value you and your choices. Be with someone who doesn’t make you feel ashamed about anything.

4. Reduce alcohol and drug use:- You should know that you can enjoy thins without getting high and intoxicated. Try to work towards reducing your habit of taking drugs, tobacco, and alcohol etc. Instead, pick up some good and healthy eating habits, you can join the rehabilitation centers if you have a history of drug abuse etc.

5. Talk to a doctor:- Go for regular health checkups and advice to the doctor and psychiatrists, having the positive result of your health checkups can increase your happiness and make you feel good about yourself. Talk to a psychiatrist if you have some issues in your life can help you in getting some advice and lift your mood up. Come and get visited Depression treatment Weehawken for your regular health checkup and psychiatric help.